Participating Artists Press Agency
Tuesday 18th of February 2025 – page 2
Everything that doesn’t work in Lagos – and that is a lot – is made operative by the people themselves. The shopkeepers and craftsmen are mobile: if you want to buy bread, have your trousers repaired or need a haircut, you just walk outside and the vendors and craftsmen circle around you.As the electricity works only ten or twenty per cent of the time and brown water pours from the taps, the electricity and the water supply are made mobile too. If you want to work on one of your blogs, you go out into the street to find a cart with jerry cans filled with diesel. You start your generator, get your computer running and off you go. If you want to wash yourself, get the boy with water from the streets to fill up the container in your house. Take a bucket of water from the container to your bathroom and indulge yourself in throwing the fresh water with a saucepan over your body.
Thursday 7th of February 2013
Lagos -
There are taps in some of the houses but the water that comes out is dark brown. ‘In need of water? Find the boy who bought it from people…
Israel Ophori –
Lagos Lab
Lagos -
Since the introduction of GSM in Nigeria almost everyone has several mobile phones, one for each of their four or five businesses. As they cannot be physically present at all…
Tuoyo Omagba –
Lagos Lab
Lagos -
GSM – Global System for Mobile communications also known as ‘General Street Madness’ in Nigeria. The image shows some people engrossed in their mobiles.…
Tuoyo Omagba –
Lagos Lab
Lagos -
Unauthorised mobile pharmacy. It is cheaper and less restricted. The articles range from vitamins and painkillers to viagra and condoms. The seller carries the basket on his or her head…
Andrew Esiebo –
Lagos Lab
Lagos -
This young man runs a phone battery recharging service. There is the saying ‘every disappointment can be a blessing’. This certainly applies to the battery recharging services dotted across the…
Andrew Esiebo –
Lagos -
Call the welder, call the plumber, call the carpenter, call the electrician etc. Other craftsmen advertise in the same way. Sometimes they make a small installation to show off their…
Lino Hellings –
Lagos Lab
Abuja -
A young girl sells bottled groundnut at a gathering of people celebrating.…
Godswill Ayemoba –
Lagos -
FRAN (Free Readers Association of Nigeria) These ‘members’ gather around the newspaper and magazine stands they can find. Sometimes just to catch a glimpse of the news making the headline…
Toye Gbade –
Lagos Lab
Lagos -
One of the many diesel retailers in streets of Lagos. Like many other cities in Nigeria, Lagos suffers from acute shortage of electricity power. As such many organization and…
Andrew Esiebo –
Lagos -
The street salesman in this shot is trying hard to convince the man in the vehicle why he needs to buy a shoe rack from him. Check out his shoes…
Tuoyo Omagba –
Lagos Lab
Lagos -
A bread seller on the bike (Okada) without an helmet, though has the box of bread on his head as his helmet. If caught will usually claim some hidden forces…
Tuoyo Omagba –
Lagos Lab
Lagos -
On the streets you often see people gesticulating while on their mobile phones. GSM – Global System for Mobile communications also known as ‘General Street Madness’…
Israel Ophori –
Lagos Lab
Lagos -
One of the many diesel retailers in streets of Lagos. Like many other cities in Nigeria, Lagos suffers from acute shortage of electricity power. As such many organization and homes…
Andrew Esiebo –
Abuja -
A woman sell banana in a mechanic/spare parts dealers settlement area in Abuja…
Godswill Ayemoba –
Abuja -
A man carries his sewing machine on his shoulder moving from street to street calling out to residents who have garment to mend.…
Godswill Ayemoba –
Lagos -
Smoked fish seller in Obalende , Lagos , Nigeria …
Andrew Esiebo –
Lagos -
One of the Hausa new comers at Obalende – Lagos filling jerrycans with water from a private owned borehole to supply around Lagos. Though, Lagos is surrounded by oceans, seas…
Andrew Esiebo –