Participating Artists Press Agency
Wednesday 18th of September 2024 – page 3
Dhaka -
Every morning around 7 the traffic jam starts. Or rather the traffic stops. It is hard to move forward here in Dhaka. In more then one sense. It is quite impossible to maintain a friendship if you do not live at a walking distance. To go to a business meeting might take you two hours while it is just few kilometers of distance. If this cluttering is solved, I bet a lot of things in Bangladesh start to come in the flow.
Lino Hellings –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
The children in the slum on the bank of river Buriganga get ill because of the high level of pollution. The slum is built on the river; and the…
Haque Habibul –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
When I first came to Dhaka from Chittagong, I found it to be a concrete jungle: a canopy of high-rises over a habitat of machines. Greenery is hard to find…
Adnan Wahid –
Dhaka Lab
Under the Mohakhali Flyover riot police are on standby in anticipation of trouble since garment workers have called a strike. They work 7 days a week for usd 24 per…
Shahidul Alam –
An influential movie can contribute to making positive change of a society. However, the recent trend of Dhaka film industry is running in the opposite way again, and does…
Dhana Ranjan Tripura. –
Dhaka Lab
Mohakhali Flyover. There are very few places for couples to meet in the crowded city of Dhaka. This is especially so for people with a low income who cannot afford…
Shahidul Alam –
As children we used to talk about Italian Saloons (‘It’ is a brick in Bangla, so these were saloons where you sat on roadside bricks). We also had Mongolian Saloons…
Shahidul Alam –
You just need to have an eye if you want to settle down as a newcomer in Dhaka city. You do not need to run after opportunity, opportunity will find…
Sumana Tanchangya –
Dhaka Lab
Life in public space in Dhaka Bangladesh is incredibly vibrant. The traffic is insane. From 6 in the morning till 1 in the night all roads are blocked with a…
Lino Hellings –
Dhaka Lab
I am in a chic car on my way to the Independent University, where I am to give a lecture. It is Dhaka, Bangladesh and the traffic is stationery more…
Lino Hellings –
Nice apartments building arose across the street from the slums. Is it land grabbing? Just heard today 24 schools are under threat of land grabbing and two schools lost their…
Lino Hellings –
Dhaka Lab
Although Bangladesh is moving forward to be listed in mid income countries, the are many small cottage industries are struggling without proper Government sponsorship. This sort of small/cottage industry…
Dhana Ranjan Tripura. –
Dhaka Lab
Urbanization is expanding in everyday. Every inch of the city of Dhaka seems to be used for building houses for people. Almost every ground-level water source is filled with…
Haque Habibul –
Dhaka Lab
When you start roaming around Dhaka streets, you will see many people are spending time reading newspapers. Most of the newspaper readers are young people who don’t have any…
Haque Habibul –
Dhaka Lab
Polythene is one of the commonest chemical by-products that is found across all societies in urban areas.polythene products are non degradable and products that constitute health and environmental hazard…
Abdus Sabur –
Dhaka Lab
The ‘services’ required by the community include entertainment and medical support. The snake charmer provides both. While people like to watch the dance of the snakes, the charmer, Lokman also…
Shahidul Alam –
We often see the cold drink vans are moving in the streets . These are completely made by local ingredients and water .They use many spices , salts , lemon , sweets etc . Pedestrians…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab
Want a fancy ride outside of Dhaka? Want to enjoy the air and sunlight while going here to there? Here is something for that then. An ideal ride to rent…
Adnan Wahid –
Dhaka Lab
Despite hitting heat and terrific traffic, these school boys smiled when the camera was aimed at them. During the photo-walk, I was going along the Sat Masjid Road which…
Haque Habibul –
Dhaka Lab
Some buildings are designed by architects. Not this one. this is build from scratch by the inhabitants themselves…
Dhana Ranjan Tripura. –
Dhaka Lab
What a loud lover Samira has! He didn’t bother SMS, Viber, Skype, Telegram, Facebook, Whatsapp or whatever…he just let the world know that he loves Samira……
Adnan Wahid –
Dhaka Lab
The Mohakhali Flyover, acts as a bus station, an open air market. An intercity train heads towards a station near the international airport. Dhaka Bangladesh by Shahidul Alam.…
Shahidul Alam –
The footpath next to the Mohakhali Flyover is a thriving business area. A young man swats away flies from his freshly fried ‘shingaras’ meat pies. …
Shahidul Alam –
Sunglasses inside the kitchen? It is not for the protection from the sun for sure since the sunlight can’t enter directly. She wears the sunglasses to protect her eyes…
Haque Habibul –
Dhaka Lab