Participating Artists Press Agency
Tuesday 18th of February 2025 – page 1
Arifur Rahman is working as the Chief Executive of Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) a registered non-government voluntary social development organization, of which he was one of the founders back in 1985 (UN International Youth Year). In different capacities, he has been engaged with various Local, National & International development initiatives and networking since long.
He Completed Master of Social Science in Political Science from Chittagong University. Arif writes in different newspapers & development publications as a freelance writer & presently serves as the Chief Editor of “Social Change†(an ISSN registered Social Development Journal). Arif and his organization are implementing many innovative and need based social development programs with and for the Youth and vulnerable community. His organization playing a key role in making the ship breaking industry in Bangladesh environmentally safe and a safe working place for its thousands of workers. YPSA is the Focal Organization for the DAISY( Digital Accessible Information System ) and taking lead role in Bangladesh to produce digital contents for the visually challenged and print disabled people . YPSA is the active partner of different social development projects which was supported by different International Organizations including OXFAM .
Dhaka -
Businesses are made for profit maximization . But to sale saplings is for profit and made Dhaka more greenery and healthy. Some sapling sales shops grown up in the different parts…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Most of the roads in Dhaka city , we can meet street hawkers . They are static and mobile both . They sale foods to fashion times , cigarettes to handy crafts . They occupied…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Different types of foods are available in the street shops . Most of are hand made and open . Local ingredents are used and techniques are applied to make this foods . Its…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Person With Disability (PWD) are neglected and not mainstreaming at the decent employment always in Bangladesh . Thus create more vulnerability and dependency among the PWDs. They are very often missing…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab
Lagos -
Smiling Face When ever you meet people in the slums you will notice that they are smiling and welcoming you . People are warm and hospitable . Though they are in poverty…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Many children are found in the city who runs small business . It is not creativity or voluntary efforts . They have to do it to feed or contribute to their family…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
We often see the cold drink vans are moving in the streets . These are completely made by local ingredients and water .They use many spices , salts , lemon , sweets etc . Pedestrians…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Due to poverty and demand of life, this girl became aged at earlier of youth. Her appears assume in suffering in malnutrition also in high depress. Though she fight against…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
Used household appliances like Fridge , Television etc. are collected and repair at this shops. Self trained technicians are involved with this small enterprises . This repaired home appliances are consumed by…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab
Dhaka -
This is not a storage of any chemical damps . Its a water canal or water pass in the town . Its smell like a poison, eys are always burning here. Slum…
Arifur Rahman –
Dhaka Lab