Participating Artists Press Agency
Saturday 15th of February 2025 – page 1
Despite war revolutions or major setbacks through economic recession or corruption, people find ways to entertain themselves and each other. A business for the one is the entertainment for the other. And people do want to look good. It is amazing to see how women in Lagos who live on the street are so well dressed . Colour full dresses that seem to be just ironed. Well for the Hindu wedding in Rotterdam The Netherlands the bride and groom and their guests can get as well dressed as their relatives in India and Bangladesh. Sports for the men and shopping for the women. Or football for women too? In Bishkek young men are the supporters of the young women playing soccer.
Monday 22nd of October 2012
The Hague -
To prevent the supporters of both teams meeting (and ‘greeting’) the stadium itself resembles a prison. Moreover, deep in the rural area around the stadium, gates close when the match…
Rob van Maanen –
Bishkek -
In the university area there are all kind of small kiosks like this bakery. As everywhere in the world, the young girls wear skinny jeans. …
Lino Hellings –
Bishkek Lab
Rotterdam -
Non-sticky bondage tape. Only sticks to itself. And lovers’ fantasy kit. In the window’s reflection we see an elderly man with a rollator, and the metro.…
Lino Hellings –
Rotterdam Lab
Sao Paulo -
If it’s your day off, it’s time to go shopping or if you prefer you can go to a museum or a gallery. You can also just walk the dog…
Ines Correa –
Rotterdam -
This shop sells outfits for Hindu weddings. The bride, groom and guests can buy their dresses, jewellery, shoes and handbags in this colourful shop. There is a wide variety of…
Lino Hellings –
Sao Paulo -
Open air gym organised by a world champion boxing and men from the (neighbor)hood. Directly under the traffic viaducts, it is a good initiative, although they did send some people…
Lino Hellings –
Lagos -
A board with winning numbers for daily lotteries, known as Baba Ijebu, at Obalende. Although there are rarely many winners, this form of gambling is rampant in Obalende, especially among…
Andrew Esiebo –
Sao Paulo -
The Brazilian way of showing pleasure is called alegria. You encounter a lot of vivid talking and laughter here in São Paulo. Here it is the pleasure after a winning…
Lino Hellings –
Sao Paulo Lab
Dhaka -
Mohakhali Flyover. There are very few places for couples to meet in the crowded city of Dhaka. This is especially so for people with a low income who cannot afford…
Shahidul Alam –
Dhaka -
The corner shop sells pretty much anything you might need on a daily basis. It is also a tea shop. However, to do business you need more, so all the…
Shahidul Alam –
Rotterdam -
Inside the Surinamese shop there is another shop a videotheque, your special supplier of Bollywood CDs and DVDs. On the yellow sign on the ceiling it says ‘Do not bring…
Lino Hellings –
Bishkek -
One of the many football pitches now being built in Bishkek. And this is often the case when girls are playing boys are staring at them. …
Tatyana Zelenskaja –
Bishkek Lab
Dhaka -
A woman haggles over the price of lipstick and other cosmetics. She is prepared to pay 15 Taka (around 15 euro cents) for the lot, but the seller wants 25…
Shahidul Alam –