Participating Artists Press Agency
Tuesday 18th of February 2025 – page 6
On a Monday morning in November 2010, six photographers in five cities around the world take their cameras to urban neighbourhoods where newcomers arrive. The photos flow into the PAPA website like a wave moving around the world. First from Bangladesh, five hours later from Rotterdam and Lagos – cities in the same time zone. Detroit and São Paulo complete the group another seven hours later. From the first week the photos and captions were projected on the windows of the cultural centre at the entrance to the neighbourhood in Rotterdam. The same will happen in other cities. In this way the inhabitants of the various newcomers neighbourhoods not only get a fresh perspective on their own lives but they also get to see how newcomers in other cities live. Migrationpapa is a PAPA project for Kosmopolis Rotterdam with the generous support of Hivos
Saturday 6th of November 2010
Rotterdam -
Due to floods in Pakistan, the okra in the grocery store of the Sheikh family is now imported from Kenia and Surinam.…
Nies Medema –
Rotterdam -
At the hairdresser in Dordtselaan a poster is displayed. It says: ‘ I will act when I witness a violent situation in the street.'The poster was published by the…
Nies Medema –
Rotterdam -
Minja Schotel is an artist and researcher. In Tarwewijk she does research on micro-entrepreneurship. She has found 21 men and women so far who have or would like to have…
Nies Medema –
Detroit -
Magnificent mural was painted on the side of a Mexican food store Hacienda on West Vernor Highway in a neighborhood called Mexicantown in Southwest Detroit. Detroit is home to a…
Marcin Szczepanski –
Sao Paulo -
Building dominated by the MST, a homeless movement. The companies want to “revitalize", in other words, buy the old buildings to make modern buildings.…
Ines Correa –
Rotterdam -
The text on the window puzzled me. Kapsalon (Barbershop) Halal specialist? How on earth can yo combine a kapsalon/barbershop with a snackbar for shoarma, pizzas and other specialities? I knew…
Lino Hellings –
Rotterdam -
As soon as the evening falls around five the traffic lights, streetlamps and shopwindows add colour to the grey public space. People come home from work and school and go…
Lino Hellings –
Rotterdam -
In the Tarwewijk I do see many barbershops too. So many cultures, so many different kinds of hair and hairstyles do explain the amount of shops. But like in Lagos…
Lino Hellings –
Rotterdam -
In many shop windows in Dordtselaan, like this Islamic Surinam butcher, a poster on violence and safety is displayed. It suggests that we all should act when witnessing violence.According…
Nies Medema –
Detroit -
An abandoned building on Chene St. in Detroit has been turned into an urban canvas by an artist. The painting presents cartoon characters engaged in violence and drugs. It was…
Marcin Szczepanski –
Rotterdam -
Every few other days the shopowner drives 850 from Rotterdam to Poland to buy the meat, vegetables and other Polish groceries. The shop closes at ten in the evening. When…
Lino Hellings –
Rotterdam -
When I arrive in the Tarwewijk early in the morning I see groups of dark hooded men standing in the cold under the flyover from the metro station Maashaven. They…
Lino Hellings –
Sao Paulo -
This is a church that korean made in “Bom Retiro†- Korean Peace Presbyterian Church. This neighborhood is always in change. First came the italians (1920), second the jews (after…
Ines Correa –
Rotterdam -
In the distance we see the Football stadion of Feijenoord on a sunday evening(afternoon). In the front we see the Tarwewijk’s main traffic vein: de Dordtse laan. You cannot imagine…
Lino Hellings –
Rotterdam -
Two towers on a 200 square meter play ground. It’s 4 pm, there is not one child playing. In Dutch cities, there are many of these so called Playground Associations…
Nies Medema –
Sao Paulo -
This chinese born in Brazil lives in Liberdade. She’s adapted to the Brazilian way of life. When I was shooting, a brazilian man that was going through said to me:…
Ines Correa –
Sao Paulo -
When we go through Liberdade, we don’t know who is chinese or japanese. They are brazilian now. It’s so mixed! And so different from “the original\".…
Ines Correa –
Rotterdam -
This shop in religious art is run by a second generation Surinam couple. They do offer services for a small compensation in: astrological predictions, readings, hand palm reading, reiki and…
Lino Hellings –
Rotterdam -
Cycling through the Tarwewijk in the dark I start to recognize people and they start to recognize me. Margot, a slim lady asking for money, being homeless. In fact she…
Lino Hellings –
Detroit -
Alex Martinez shows off one of his roosters in the living room of his Southwest Detroit house. Martinez grew up on a farm in Mexico and tries to hold on…
Marcin Szczepanski –
Rotterdam -
This shop sells outfits for Hindu weddings. The bride, groom and guests can buy their dresses, jewellery, shoes and handbags in this colourful shop. There is a wide variety of…
Lino Hellings –
Sao Paulo -
This house and all the other around it, in Helvetia Street, are going to be demolished untill the end of the year. There is a new project for this place…
Ines Correa –
Sao Paulo -
“Rua Mauá" used to be a street in “Cracolândia". It is close to “Estação da Luz†(train station and subway), and “Sala São Paulo†(one of the finest theaters -…
Ines Correa –
Rotterdam -
An attempt to get it all into one picture, the tensions between the state and the civilian and between the individual and the collective/community.…
Lino Hellings –