Tuesday 16th of September 2014 - 72123 views
Dhaka -
Want a fancy ride outside of Dhaka? Want to enjoy the air and sunlight while going here to there? Here is something for that then. An ideal ride to rent and get your skin tanned for free when you get stuck in traffic. The second thing isn’t for the veiled women though! They are not seen in the streets of the city of Dhaka since government banned two-stroke auto-rickshaws to reduce the CO2 emission. Some 15-20 years ago they dominated the streets of Dhaka along with rickshaws. After getting banned by government and influx of CNG run auto-rickshaw, people from outside of the major cities bought them to use. There are few hundreds of two-stroke auto-rickshaws running outskirt of Dhaka now. Most of them don’t have any hoods anymore. People simply sit on them and then they go.
Adnan Wahid –
Dhaka Lab
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